There is a close relationship between the interests of the individual and the family, so much so in fact that when one is weakened the other is also weakened. Hence the fundamental hostility of the collectivist state to the family, as well as its principal target, the individual.
How can this be? To such a question an a-biological political philosophy has no real answer, but an evolutionary perspective tells us all we need to know. The family is the output of the individual, since, as noted elsewhere here, as a statistical generalisation it is consistent with the evidence to assert that human behaviour is the gathering of resources to secure reproduction. Thus, individuals have a strong interest in preserving their own families and restraining the success of others, a complex agenda they can pursue via an ambivalent, or as one might say a 'moderate' attitude towards the collectivist state. Apparent inconsistency or timidity in politics need not reflect a lack of fundamental purpose.